The Formula For Blessed Living

In today’s devotion, let’s talk about today’s thought, “The Formula For Blessed Living”.

SCRIPTURE | Today’s thought comes from Psalms 1:2-3 which says, “2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

LESSON | David wrote this passage and it is filled with images of what a blessed life looks like.

Imagine your life being like a tree rooted next to a endless water source, it means that that which you need to nourish and strengthen you, is always nearby. And because your life is connected to the source of life, you can do what you are created to do, you can be fruitful. This means that you consistently produce good things which others can enjoy, and you become a source of strength to others. 

David said, you leave should not wither, and that is powerful because it means that you are an evergreen tree, the change of seasons does not shift you in your life, you are always strong. Now, the last part he said was, whatever you do will prosper and succeed. Imagine succeeding with everything you do in your life, isn’t that an amazing blessing? 

All of this blessed life however, is hinged on you learning and meditating upon the truths of God’s Word, and choosing to avoid evil men and evil doings. So, you can be evergree, you can be successful, you can be strong, abd Psalms 1 gives us the exact formula for this tye of blessed life.

PRAYER | C’mon, pray with me: Father, I thank you today that I can live and lead the blessed life that you have ordained for me, simply by following your principles and precepts. Thank you for the formula today for an evergreen fruitful life. Amen.